Emergency Light Testing BS5266
Emergency lighting is required in all premises where people are employed.
It is a Life Safety System and is required to assist the occupants in the event of an emergency.
It will assist in the evacuation of a premises in the event of power failure.
It is a mandatory requirement to be installed where artificial lighting is installed. Remember, Emergency Lighting is designed to help save lives!
Legal Responsibilities
All Employers, Landlords or Occupiers have a duty under the “Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations 1999” to carry out a risk assessment to ensure their premises and activities are able to facilitate safe escape in the event of an emergency.
Complying with the Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations 1997
The Emergency Lighting British Standard BS5266 defines the requirements for the correct installation of Emergency Lighting. Compliance with this standard will ensure that your premises, meets the requirements of the Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations.
Continued Compliance with BS5266
Compliance with the Emergency Lighting Regulations BS5266 will ensure you meet your statutory requirements, but only if the system is fully functioning. BS5266 requires inspection & tests should be carried out at the following intervals (Frequencies)
All check frequencies have specific requirements. Checks should be recorded where necessary in the Emergency Lighting Log Book.